On the 8th and 9th of March, the College of Paramedics (@ParamedicsUK) held their 2016 conference in York.
Around 140 attended; predominantly NHS paramedics but student paramedics, emergency medical technicians and one very keen person who is trying to get into the ambulance service was using the conference to build their CV!
The biggest strength of the conference was networking opportunities with colleagues from around the UK; some really great programmes are happening to improve patient care around the country and want to share their success. For example, I learnt about a dedicated cardiac arrest response service in Edinburgh achieving remarkable results and this will improve my knowledge and understanding despite working over 300 miles away.
Twitter featured very heavily throughout the conference, using the hashtag #ParaConference16 so below is a tweet to sum up each presentation…
Inaugural Mark Bloch Lecture Professor Andy Newton “Professor Andy Newton discussing the changing emphasis of the paramedic and the Career Framework of the COP” @AndyJonesCOP
Paramedics Perceptions of caring for people who Self Harm: An evolved grounded theory Nigel Rees (@NigRees1973) - Head of Research & Innovation, Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust “Ethically and morally we don’t feel supported by law in decision making for self harm patients” @Auntymelon
College of Paramedics AGM “AGM time for @ParamedicsUK. Now represent >30% of @The_HCPC registrants, has charitable status, PEEP report & prescribing” @medic914
Walking the Walk – it’s not enough Paul Gowens (@PaulGowens) - National Clinical Advisor, Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate “Leadership is situation dependent, understand your role don’t get situation precious!”
The benefits of end-tidal Co2 monitoring in non-cardiac arrest patients: A pre-hospital perspective Keiran Bellis (@KeiranMBellis), North West Ambulance Service “ETCO2 used to differentiate between cardiac/resp conditions enables better mgmt….incl hyperventilation/neuro/anaphylaxis” @JStreetUK
Mentally Healthy David Davis FcPara (@DavidDPara), NHS 111 Workforce National Clinical Lead, NHS England “Rate of mental illness in paramedics 3.3 times higher than general population” @ParaJon82
The clinical holding of children: Do Paramedics need professional guidance Chris Preston (@medic992), Advanced Paramedic Practitioner, North West Ambulance Service “Holding children for any procedure should only be done as a last resort” @ChrisCPritchard
Teaching new dogs old tricks: integrating advanced skills into a paramedic-led air ambulance unit John McKenzie (@MyOtherCarIsaTVR), HEMS Paramedic, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance “Advanced analgesia in use by Paramedics on @LNAACT: Ketamine, Midaz and Flumazenil” @medic914
To PEEP or not to PEEP - That is the question Patrick Mitchell (, Director of National Programmes - Health Education England “More paramedics, higher entry qualifications, increased career progression and more options outside trad ambulance services. Thoughts from PEEP” @mcclg
Improving clinical outcomes and hitting targets - Are they mutually exclusive? Dr Dave Macklin - Executive Director of Operations - Yorkshire Ambulance Service “More than ever, an important role in paramedic practice is patient advocacy” @FloBach
Professional Discipline – Friend or Foe? Andrea James (@HealthRedLawyer), Partner, Shoosmiths LLP “Fitness to practice on the regional CPD agenda? ALL registrants need greater awareness” @WilBroughton
Prevention is better than cure - Do paramedics have a role in public health? Linda Hindle (@HindleLinda) - Lead AHP - Public Health England “Fire Police Ambulance are health assets that can contribute to public health but need consensus about moving forward” @TeesParamedic
Improving pre-hospital care of patients suffering adrenal crisis Karl Charlton, Research Paramedic, North East Ambulance Service “Even simple self-limiting illnesses can be fatal in those with adrenal insufficiency” @ChrisJ999
Partnership working and collaboration: Enhancing patient care in Northern Ireland Ciaran McKenna, Northern Ireland Paramedic “In Northern Ireland, 20,000 999 calls each year for older people who fall” @MLG1611
Identifying pre-hospital factors which influence outcome for major trauma patients in a regional network: an exploratory study Lee Thompson (@PHKiTPara), Senior Paramedic (Trauma), North East Ambulance Service “Average major trauma victim is 38 yr old man” @medicalexwalter
College of Paramedics Executive Questions and Answer Panel [On topic of College activity around paramedic retirement age] “How many paramedics reach retirement age? Studies show high mortality” @Richki55
Other activities at the conference were stalls by Penthrox, Zoll, Capita, Physiocontrol, Corpuls, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, MedicNow and Openhouse among many others plus a gala dinner with live music.
Details of next year’s conference are yet to be announced, but if you value your profession and have a passion for paramedic development, I can strongly recommend going along and getting involved.
Matt Green @MLG1611
March 2016
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